Living water for a thirsty world

Are you interested in mission work? Have you been wanting to carry God's word to a remote village? Do you want to see the Book of Acts unfold in a practical manner like you have never experienced? Then Guyana's interior is for you!

Three campaigns are conducted in the spring, summer and fall of each year to grow and to strengthen God's kingdom. Bible studies are led daily, and lessons are presented in the evening. Many times accommodations are primitive at best. Difficult roads, hot days, tent beds, buckets for bathing and granola lunches make this effort extremely demanding on the body. But the kind people, their appreciation for righteous living, and their openness to the gospel make it one of the most rewarding works in the world. These campaigns are led by David A. Paher with the help of Roger Comstock and David Myers, ministers of the Gatlinburg Church of Christ and Wildwood Church of Christ, respectively. Brother Paher was mentored by Jerry O. Davidson from 2014 to 2018 before being given the charge of maintaining the directions of his longtime work, Amerindian Missions. Inquiries about the campaigns may be made using the submission form to the left, which go to Brian Hall, the Director of Communications for this work.

​Brother Paher makes additional trips to Guyana throughout the year to survey the work, to assist and advise, to teach in Guyana Christian University and to follow-up on work done during campaigns. These trips are usually made alone but any faithful member of the church may send inquiry about the nature and timing of these additional trips. No matter the time allotted, your talents can be utilized in God's work in Guyana.

The cost of participating in major campaign efforts ranges from $2,500.00 to $3,000.00 per person.* (see list below for an example). Other mission trips may cost less money, but Guyana's interior accommodations are different than most other places in the world. Where we travel, there are no air conditioners, grocery stores or running water. All food and lodging necessities must be taken in with us, which adds to the travel expense. What is not consumed or given away must additionally be taken out when we leave. Participants need a passport, travel money and a willing, patient mind.

Use the form to the left should you want to participate in any way to the evangelistic outreach efforts in Guyana, South America.

Travelers may find this Information Packet helpful when preparing for a campaign in Guyana's interior. It is found at

Guyana Intnational Airfare*
Guyana Interior Airfare
Interior Ground Transportation*
Village Meals (w/ cook)
Village Fees
Currency Exchange


Baggage fees*
Meals in Georgetown*



*Prices very by the person, location and duration of trip.
Prices List​

$ 1,000.00
$    300.00
$    200.00
$    250.00
$      50.00
$    300.00
$    100.00
$ 2,200.00

$    200.00
$      50.00
$      50.00
$    300.00

$    300.00

$ 2,800.00